Complementary Modalities
Advanced Cell Training & Neurodevelopmental Training
The nature of holistic health care means that I see and treat the whole you, not just an isolated issue or symptom. So we might start working together on health coaching or Jin Shin Jyutsu — but as I get to know you better, I may suggest other modalities that would support the work we’re already doing.
My love of healing and learning knows no bounds, so I’m always adding to my toolkit any innovative modalities that will help me better serve my clients!
Two modalities I’ve studied extensively and have practiced with great success are:
Advanced Cell Training
Advanced Cell Training (ACT) is a form of alternative medicine that addresses the changes on a cellular level that can result from environmental stressors and trauma. These changes impact our functioning in many ways — so things like digestion, hormones, and immune function suffer.
Most people don’t realize that much illness comes from errant behavior at the cellular level. ACT is a simple behavior modification training program that may improve the way your immune system functions to fight symptoms and diseases. ACT believes that a properly performing body is the best defense against disease. Correcting these errant internal behaviors can help the body heal itself.
To see more information and see some video testimonials click here advancedcelltraining.com
Ideal for clients who are experiencing pain or other symptoms that traditional medicine is not helping with, and those who want to help their body function at its best.
Initial Consultation $150. plus Materials, Follow-up appointments $150, plus materials.
Neurodevelopmental Training
Research has shown that it’s possible to rewire the brain by stimulating and creating new neural pathways, a phenomenon scientists call neuroplasticity. The ability for our brains to renew and change creates opportunities to address certain disorders that result from processing issues. The Neurodevelopmental (ND) approach is unique in its method of looking at the whole person, how they take in information and how they express it.
My intensive intake process identifies areas of neural inefficiencies, which allows me to create a detailed treatment plan of exercises to forge new pathways. By deliberately applying and repeating behaviors, movements and activities, we forge new, more effective pathways that enable easier learning and better processing abilities.
This gentle, structured approach is a great match for children or adults with learning challenges or significant emotionality. I have worked with children from 6 years of age to 65 year olds. You are never too old for this work. As a mom and grandmother myself, I love working with children and supporting parents who want them to be happy and successful.
Ideal for children, teens or adults, (at any age!) who are experiencing learning and processing difficulties, or who want to improve learning and processing.
Initial evaluation $650, then $150 monthly until completion. Includes detailed report and Individualized Neurodevelopmental Plan (INP), online training for plan and support by phone, zoom or email.
Follow up evaluations are done every 4 months with a report of progress and new INP.